
Information related to driver behaviour.

Do We Trust Too Much?

SoapboxI was walking to my vehicle after work yesterday and watched the woman on the sidewalk ahead of me approach the intersection. She did not hesitate to step into the crosswalk even though a vehicle on her left had stopped halfway across it waiting to enter traffic. The driver was watching intently to her left waiting for a gap in traffic. The pedestrian checked her stride and I thought that she was going to wait for the driver to notice her before she crossed in front of the vehicle.

People That You Won't Share the Road With

Road RageYou may have seen the road rage video on social media lately where a woman doing the speed limit refuses to move out of the left and lane and a man driving a pickup wants by. He eventually passes and then drops back to wave a single digit and yell at the woman. He finally accelerates heavily and gets back into the lane in front of her, losing control and crashing in the median. She stops to laugh at the outcome.

VIDEO - The Distracted Mind

video iconThis short cartoon from Toyota and TED explains why distracted driving is a bad idea. Our brains really do not multitask, they focus on single tasks and when we try to do more than one thing at a time, break these multiple tasks into single tasks totally focused on for short periods of time.

I Break the Rules, But I do it Safely

AngelOne of the most common responses that I received having stopped a driver for a traffic violation was a rationalization or justification for the behaviour I observed. The driver clearly knew that what they were doing was against the traffic laws but in their minds they were still being safe. Exceeding the speed limit, slowing down for stop signs, or even driving on the wrong side of the road could be excused because "No one else was around."

Wrong Way on the Freeway

Wrong Way SignWhen you are driving on the freeway and the yellow line appears on the right side of your vehicle, it's past time to correct the problem. You are driving on the wrong side of the road! Contrary to what one might think, instances of wrong way driving on divided highways are not rare. Thank goodness most instances are corrected by the wrong way driver before a crash occurs.

I'm OK and You Are Not OK

Road RageWe were exposed to many ideas during training at the RCMP's Depot Division in Regina. A lecture that I do recall was presented by a pyschologist who taught us about transactional analysis. One of the life positions we learned about, I'm OK and you are not OK, seems to be common on our highways.

RESEARCH - Safer speeds: an evaluation of public education materials

Speed DemonChoosing the speed to drive at on our highways is a highly controversial and individual decision. I would dare to say that the posted speed limit is only a guide for many drivers. For those drivers, the choice ranges from total disregard to the point that you decide what is 10 over from.

OPINION - Raising the Level of Consequences

Paul Hergott Law logoTaking away someone's privilege to drive is viewed as a drastic step in correcting driving behaviour. Currently, a fully licensed driver has to accumulate a significant number of points in a year before the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles takes steps to apply this penalty. In my experience, the traffic courts are also reluctant to take this step, saying "I'll leave that up to the Superintendent." when the officer prosecuting requests a prohibition as part of the penalty.