
Information regarding collisions.

Q&A - Two Tickets for One Crash

crash cartoonI was given a ticket after I alledgedly hit a parked car with no one inside.

I was first given a ticket for breaking section 68(1) for hitting this vehicle. Several days later a different officer of the Port Moody police came back and gave me a second ticket for breaking section 68(2). These 2 tickets were given to me for the one single alledged offense. They both have the same date as well.

RESEARCH - CBC Marketplace: Paws for Concern

Crash TestWe buy products that we expect will perform according to the manufacturer's claims for them. In this case the product is a restraint for our canine friends when they ride in our vehicle with us. The claim is that the restraints will protect the animal. CBC Marketplace testing finds the contrary, our expectations may be putting both our pets and ourselves at risk.

CASE LAW - Ziemer v Wheeler

BC Courts Coat of ArmsHarris Wheeler was driving northbound on Highway 97 south of Taylor, B.C. when his vehicle collided with a moose. Shortly afterward Aron Walter, driving southbound, struck that moose which was then laying on the highway. That collision caused his vehicle to cross over the center line where he struck a vehicle driven by Raymond Ziemer head on.

Driving with Collision Damage

car being towedYou’ve been involved in a fender bender and now your vehicle is damaged. The headlight is pointing at the sky, the signal light is missing and the bumper had to be removed so that the tire has room to steer. The appointment with an insurance adjuster is pending, and you can’t even think about the body shop yet. Can you just keep driving until the vehicle is repaired?