
Information related to cycling.

CASE LAW - R v Rei

BC Courts Coat of ArmsIs it a Motor Assisted Cycle (MAC) or a Limited Speed Motorcycle (LSM)? In the case of R v Rei it all comes down to whether there are pedals installed so that the driver may physically propel the device or not.

CASE LAW - Ormiston v ICBC

BC Courts Coat of ArmsDixon Ormiston fell from his bicycle and sustained serious injury after being forced against a concrete abutment by a vehicle that veered into his path while he was passing it on the right side. Of interest in deciding the liability in this case is the examination of passing on the right, both by a vehicle driver and a cyclist.

Cycling on the Wrong Side

CyclistI'm seeing so many cyclists on the wrong side of the road lately that I am starting to wonder if the law has changed says a reader from Courtenay. It might save a life or two if they got back on the right side of the road! I agree with him because I almost made a hood ornament out of a wrong way cyclist not long ago.

ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION - Pedaling Towards a Healthier Planet

CyclistI was impressed with the cycling facilities I saw when I visited Portland, Oregon, and by the number of people that I saw using them. Cycle paths, accomodation for bicycles on light rail and the bus and even traffic signals that applied directly to cyclists. All of these things worked together to promote the use of the bicycle for both commuting and recreation because they increased the safety a cyclist felt.

Winter Cycling

Winter CyclingWhat are the rights and obligations of cyclists and motorists if the cyclist should choose to ride on the highway under snowy winter conditions? Uncleared pathways and cycling routes were forcing cyclists to choose to ride on the plowed streets of one Vancouver Island municipality resulting in a number of inquiries at city hall. Should cyclists be using the streets in winter time?

CASE LAW - Deol v Veach

BC Courts Coat of ArmsIn this case Mr. Deol was riding his bicycle on a sidewalk in a direction opposing traffic on the highway adjacent to him. Mr. Veach was attempting a right turn onto the highway from a parking lot. Both stopped, Mr. Deol on the sidewalk at the parking lot access and Mr. Veach prior to crossing the sidewalk. Both proceeded at the same time and collided.

VIEWPOINT - Cyclist / Motorist / Pedestrian Interaction

CyclistI live on the Island Highway close to the downtown area of Campbell River. Over the past decade both as a pedestrian and as a motorist I have nearly been hit by cyclists numerous times as they careen down the sidewalk trying to see how much air they can catch jumping the driveway cuts. Very often they are going faster than the cars on the road.

READING - Cycling In Cities

CyclistThe University of British Columbia School of Population & Public Health is studying which factors encourage or discourage the use of bicycles for urban transportation, and which types of transportation infrastructure are associated with increased or decreased risks of injuries to cyclists. The goal is to make research from the Cycling in Cities program, and elsewhere, into tools that are useful for policy-makers, planners, and the public.