Distracted Driving

Q&A - Worth disputing the penalty for use of electronic device while driving?

Q&A ImageFirst the background. Got pulled over last week for checking a message on my cell phone. Traffic was bumper to bumper and not moving. The reason I checked my phone was, I let someone I had a meeting with know I would not be able to make it because of the traffic.

READING - A Deadly Wandering

A Deadly WanderingThis is a very interesting book about distracted driving. Interwoven with the story about Reggie Shaw and how he caused a double fatal collision by texting while driving is information on the research and researchers who are studying how our brain deals with the distraction from mobile phone use while driving. To put it bluntly, we are incapable of driving safely while using a mobile phone, hands on, hands free or texting while driving.

Q&A - Using Headphones While Driving

Q&A ImageQuestion: Are you allowed to wear headphones, earphones or earbuds while driving a vehicle in British Columbia? Can an officer ticket you for using earbuds for hands free calling even if they are not in use? One of my earbuds doesn't work but i have to put it in my ear because the mouthpiece is attached to the one that doesn't work and the sound comes out of the other one.

Q&A - Cyclists and texting

Q&A ImageI witnessed an accident the other day between a cyclist and a truck. The cyclist was riding with no hands, looking down while texting on his cell phone. He did not notice that he had come to an intersection and rode into the side of a truck. He was not wearing a helmet and received more than a few injuries requiring an ambulance to attend. Are cyclists not required to obey the sections of the motor vwhicle act in a case like this?