Driver Licencing

Information related to driver's licences.

Q&A - Pending Driving Prohibition

Q&A ImageMy spouse and I recently moved back to BC. He had a pending Driving Prohibition that had not been acknowledged since 2013. He was an N driver and was prohibited due to unsastisfactory driving record. 

At the end of July he went into ICBC after finding out while trying to switch his license over and acknowledged the suspension.

Q&A - Friend's Car Impounded

Q&A ImageIf someone is driving without a license and gets their friend's car impounded for 30 days, is there a way to get it out sooner? And is there any trouble for the owner of the vehicle (through their insurance or anything) for having someone drive the vehicle without a license and getting it impounded?

ALTERNATIVES - The Extended Practice Test

Back to Square OneHere's an interesting item from the United Kingdom: Drivers may be ordered by the courts to retake their driving theory test and take an extended practical driving test to return to full licence status. This is may be part of the penalty for a dangerous driving conviction or conviction for any offence that carries a mandatory driving prohibition.

CASE LAW - R v Al Farraj

BC Courts Coat of ArmsAbdulrahman Al Farraj is a Saudi Arabian national attending school full time in British Columbia. He was checked by police and produced a Kingdom of Saudi Arabia driver's licence that contained a few words of English and the balance in Arabic. Cst. Hildred of the CRD IRSU unit issued a violation ticket to Mr. Al Farraj for failing to produce a driver's licence as he did not produce a translation that would allow determination of what Mr. Al Farraj was licenced for.

VIEWPOINT - Politics and Road Safety

SoapboxIt’s very interesting that some new drivers to BC can easily obtain a driver license with no written test on BC traffic laws and no road test to demonstrate competency .

Road safety should not be based on political agreements.

While many of the 12 Countries that are exempt from testing, have lower vehicle Fatality rates, Some countries have triple the Canadian average fatality rates.

Q&A - Does Your Supervisor Have to be Sane?

New Driver Signs 2011I'm just wondering if there is something in writing that states that the person who is being the supervising passenger, that is of age and holds a valid licence, is also required to be of sound mind and body. This meaning, specifically, that if the supervising passenger is drunk and unable to drive, they can still technically be the valid passenger, and the person with the "L" can still drive them home.