Driver Licencing

Information related to driver's licences.

Driving and Diabetes

InsulinI was approached by a friend whose teenager had just been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. She had discovered that some driving schools offered specific driver training for new drivers that suffered from the disease. Was I aware of any driving school that offered a course like this in our part of British Columbia?

CASE LAW - Potestio v Superintendent of Motor Vehicles

BC Courts Coat of ArmsFrank Potestio added four hazardous moving violations and one fail to wear seatbelt violation to his driving record between August 29, 2009 to May 9, 2011. He was sent a warning letter on June 19, 2011. Mr. Potestio committed two further driving offences on February 2, 2012 and was sent a letter placing him on probation for six months effective March 8, 2012.

Q&A - Impersonation

Q&A ImageIt's drivers licence renewal time. You organize and drop by the nearest ICBC Driver Service Center to pay your renewal fee, have your picture taken and leave with your temporary new licence with the promise that you will receive your picture licence in them mail shortly. For most of us, that's the scenario.

Q&A - Driving with out of country driver's licence

Q&A ImageMy sister will be coming to Vancouver to visit me from Serbia. She has a valid Serbian driving license, but no insurance (she currently doesn’t own a car). I have a valid BC (ICBC) insurance on my vehicle, and a valid BC driver’s license. Will she be able to drive my car? Does she need to buy some additional insurance for driving my car, or will my insurance cover any damage in case of an accident?

Q&A - My First Speeding Ticket

image of N and L Driver signs for BCI got my first speeding ticket a couple of weeks ago while still on my N. When I first got my N, I was told that the earliest month that I would be able to take the Class 5 test was May or June of this year. However, how will this speeding ticket affect my insurance, driving record, and my right to take the Class 5 test as scheduled? (Other than a couple of parking tickets, my driving record is clean).

Q&A - Working in Alberta, Living in BC, Do I Need a BCDL and ICBC Insurance?

Q&A ImageIn my current position I come across a large amount of drivers who seem to live in British Columbia but have Alberta licence plates and insurance. The story goes that they husband works in Alberta and commutes back to British Columbia on their days off. Most of the time their wife and children live full time in BC, kids attend a BC school etc.

My questions are these:

VIDEO - Seven Tips for Passing Your ICBC Road Test

VideoThese seven tips presented by ICBC may be used to successfully pass your road test, regardless of whether you drive a passenger vehicle, commercial vehicle or a motorcycle. For those of you who are already licensed drivers, these are seven tips that you should still be aware of so that you continue to drive safely and courteously.