Driver Training

Information related to driver training.

OPINION - Raising the Level of Consequences

Paul Hergott Law logoTaking away someone's privilege to drive is viewed as a drastic step in correcting driving behaviour. Currently, a fully licensed driver has to accumulate a significant number of points in a year before the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles takes steps to apply this penalty. In my experience, the traffic courts are also reluctant to take this step, saying "I'll leave that up to the Superintendent." when the officer prosecuting requests a prohibition as part of the penalty.

RESOURCE - Driving With Us

Wallace Driving School logoThe Driving With Us archive contains articles written by Steve Wallace, owner of Wallace Driving School. Steve shares valuable insights into defensive driving with readers and sometimes slips in an opinion or two. The articles also appear regularly in the Victoria Times Colonist newspaper. In either format, the articles are always worth your time to read and consider.


Left Foot Braking

Left Foot BrakingI am occasionally asked about using the left foot for braking instead of the right foot. The usual justification given for this is that the brakes may be applied more quickly because the left foot is ready while the right foot is busy with the accelerator pedal. While there are different schools of thought on whether this is appropriate for highway driving it may not be a good idea for the average driver.

VIDEO - Winter Braking Tips

VideoThis video is produced by the Michelin Tire people and illustrates four topics: shorter stopping distances with winter tires, control difficulties with mis-matched tires, braking with and without ABS and steering while braking with and without ABS. All of this is conducted on snow covered ground.

Drive Better!

RiskThere is such an incredible shortage of common sense about the practicalities of driving, as well as so many people who seem unable to think clearly any more. You cannot get people to drive better just by saying "drive better".

READING - Education in Road Safety

RAC Foundation LogoThe Royal Auto Club Foundation asks "Are we getting it right?" Is education in road safety a good thing? In the paper Professor McKenna argues that educational interventions are often designed in the absence of theory or any formal body of evidence. In some circumstances they may inadvertently increase exposure to risk.