Emergency Vehicles

Information related to emergency vehicles and their operation.

Stopping for Police

Police CarJudging by the result, it may be a significant event in many driver's lives to be pulled over by the police. I've seen everything from jamming on the brakes and stopping in the middle of the lane to following oblivious drivers for many kilometers before they caught sight of my emergency lights.

Is It An Emergency Vehicle?

Pickup TruckI was recently told a story by driver who stopped at an intersection and when checking for cross traffic was surprised to find a truck laying on the drivers side a short distance away. This driver assessed the situation and concluded that it had happened within the last few moments, a number of people had stopped to help and it appeared that the driver was out and shaken but unhurt. He turned right and drove away from the scene.

Too Many Sirens

AmbulanceAt all hours of the day or night emergency vehicles will use their sirens. I live in a small quiet suburb and you can literally fire a cannon as they say, down the main road at night. It is not fun being awakened at 3 or 4 in the morning because of this. I can appreciate what these folks have to contend with as far as dumb drivers are concerned but in the early hours of the morning there are no cars.

Yielding to Emergency Vehicles

Fire TruckI wonder if you would mind commenting on stopping at the side of the road to allow emergency vehicles to pass? So many times when I pull off to the edge of the road and stop, people either don't pull off or else they just pull onto the shoulder and travel at a low rate of speed.