
Information on specific vehicle equipment.

Q&A - Vehicle Lift Kits

Q&A ImageIs it correct that the maximum a vehicles OEM height can be modified is 10cm either up or down?

Then why do we see trucks on the road that are obviously lifted more that 10cm? This obviously raises bumper heights and headlights well above the heights mandated in the Motor Vehicle Act, correct?

COMMERCIAL VEHICLES - Trip Inspection Standard

Truck TractorProfessional drivers of commercial vehicles (as defined in the National Safety Code) are required to do both pre- and post-trip inspections of their vehicles on a daily basis. The list of items to be checked is extensive and is set out in a document created by the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators. The document also sets out the criteria that defines an out of service condition until that problem is repaired.

PHOTOS OF CONCERN - Inadequate Trailer Hitch

cameraHere is an example of how not to attach a trailer to a vehicle found on Highway 4 near Port Alberni. The connection for the breakaway brake is the cable dangling at the center of the picture. The end of this cable should be attached to the towing vehicle somewhere other than to the hitch itself, and definitely not to the safety chain. The aim of this device is to apply the trailer brakes in the event of the trailer accidentally disconnecting from the vehicle.

Q&A - I'm Not Going To Do It

Q&A ImageI have been issued a notice and order box 3 for my tinted tail lights. It is just spray paint and the notice says "Replace tinted tail lights". There are no boxes filled out on the description of the defect portion of the ticket. My questions are where do I hand this ticket in and is this really that serious?

When to Replace a Broken Windshield

Windshield CrackRecently I was coming back from the ski hill and got a rock chip in my windshield that has started to crack and spider. I know there is a violation ticket that may be written for a cracked windshield. I plan on getting it changed in the spring after the roads are swept because I don't really want to spend $200 dollars to have a windshield changed on the chance it may get hit with another rock.

VIDEO - On The Road With The McIntyre Family

VideoThis TyreSafe video from the UK is equally valid here in British Columbia. Well, except for the 20p coin tread depth test of course! It urges you to consider the condition of your tires monthly, or at least prior to every long trip. In addition to what to check, it adds information on how tires can affect your ability to operate your vehicle safely.