
Information on specific vehicle equipment.

Hitch Mounted Bike Racks

Bike RackI have a question about rear hitch mounted bike racks which are readily available in stores. We use one with 4 bikes on it for our family and when the 4 bikes are loaded they obstruct the view of the rear licence plate, brake lights and turn signals. The corner lights can be seen through the spokes of the bike wheels but not clearly. Any opinion on this because these are widely used?

TRANSPORT CANADA - Noises for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles

Transport Canada New LogoTransport Canada amended the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations on December 22, 2022 to require minimum levels of noise from hybrid and electric vehicles. According to the news release, under the new requirements, all hybrid and electric vehicles will now be required to have sound emitters that would produce noise at low speeds. Automakers can determine the type of sound the vehicle makes, but the volume and pitch must allow a road user to hear if a vehicle is speeding up or slowing down.

Use ALL Your Lights!

image of car with lights onOne DriveSmartBC follower shares that one of their pet peeves is drivers who do not have lights on during the day, particularly when it is foggy, raining very hard, or there is a very dark overcast. On their last trip they saw many vehicles with no tail lights on and it was very dark out because of low, thick clouds and rain.

The Spare Tire

Temporary Spare TireHave you checked your vehicle's spare tire recently? Depending on your vehicle you may have a full size spare, a temporary spare or no spare at all. Knowing what to expect in the event of a flat tire will mean avoiding inconvenience or being stranded at the roadside.

Tire Inflation

Tire GuageWhen was the last time you checked the air in your vehicle's tires? Do you own a tire gauge? Do you know what the proper inflation pressure is for your tires? If you don't, where do you find this information?

VIDEO - Car Headlights

VideoThere will be highs, there will be lows, but they would always be the same. Until 1957 anyway. Although this is a video from the US, Canadian standards are virtually (if not) identical. Take a trip down headlight memory lane and find out just a little bit about today's systems as well.

Proper Display of Licence Plates

BC Olympic License PlateThe humble licence plate has but one job, positively identifying the vehicle it is attached to. Without license plates, how would we know who owned the vehicle? How would you complain about an erratic driver or report your stolen vehicle? Intersection Safety Camera (ISC) enforcement and Automated Licence Plate Recognition (ALPR) would be stymied and even the lowly parking ticket would have difficulty.

Driving Lights - What Are They and How do You Use Them?

Driving Lights"Are you allowed to drive with both headlights and driving lights on at the same time?" asks a reader. The question was prompted by this person's complaint of being blinded by the lights of many of today's vehicles. These vehicles display two headlights and two of what many people assume to be driving lights.