
Information relating to the government and traffic laws.

NEWS - Micromobility Pilot Project

BC LogoLife is interesting. I spent my traffic enforcement career making sure that "other" forms of transportation did not share our highways. Cars and trucks, motorcycles and bicycles, fine. Segways, skateboards, go karts, bicycles with gas motors, not here in B.C. thank you. Now the B.C. government has made changes to the Motor Vehicle Act to allow some of these "other" vehicles and is soliciting municipalities to conduct pilot projects on their use.

NEWS - Party Bus Rule Changes

party busRecent amendments to the Motor Vehicle Act have strengthened the protection for minors who use a party bus. Beginning last April 1, if a minor is on board the bus there must be at least one certified safety monitor that is not the driver present. In addition, the minor must have written consent from their legal guardian.

NEWS - Active Transportation Design Guide

New BC LogoThe Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has released the British Columbia Active Transportation Design Guide. The Guide addresses human powered modes of transportation and focuses primarily on walking, cycling and rolling. However, it also addresses single person electric vehicles such as electric bicycles, scooters, Segways, skateboards and hoverboards.

NEWS - Audit of Commercial Vehicle Safety

auditor general logoBC's Auditor General has released the report of an independent audit of commercial vehicle safety in our province. The audit looked at whether the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia and the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General have effectively managed their respective programs to promote the safe operation of commercial vehicles on B.C. roads.