One Drink May Impair an Older Driver

Keys and DrinkA study by researchers at the University of Florida reports that you may have only had one glass of wine with dinner, but if you’re an older driver (aged 55+), that single serving may hit you hard enough to make you a dangerous driver.

image of older driver

Comparison of the Younger and Older Driver

Groups of young drivers and older drivers were tested on a driving simulator sober and with blood alcohol levels of .04 and .065. Researchers timed the task so the participants’ alcohol levels were declining to mimic a situation in which individuals have a drink with dinner and then drive home.

The study found that the younger driver's skills were not affected, but those of older drivers were. This surprised the researchers as they expected to find differences in young drivers too.

Steering Rates

Older drivers tend to adjust their lane position by turning the steering wheel more quickly than younger drivers do. This difference becomes even more pronounced after the consumption of alcohol.

Lane Position Keeping

There was little difference found in lane position keeping due to either age or alcohol consumption in the test.

Steady Speed Maintenance

An older driver who had consumed the moderate alcohol dose showed more variation in speed than the younger driver.

Average Speed

While the older driver tended to choose a lower average speed than the young driver did, there was no significant difference observed.


The study suggested that if you are an older driver, having one drink with dinner and driving home may not be a good choice.

Older drivers are already at risk because as we age, perception slows, reaction time is not as sharp, and the risks for collision and injury increase. Drinking before driving increases the risk.

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