Q&A - Vehicles Billowing Smoke

Q&A ImageFrom time to time in Metro Vancouver I end up driving behind a vehicle that is billowing smoke and exhaust fumes that cause me to gag in my vehicle. This happened to me yesterday in Surrey BC when I was behind a red Honda Civic with a BC license plate.

I wrote down the date, time, location and vehicle make, model, colour and license plate.

Is there any point in reporting vehicles that are spewing excessive exhaust fumes? If so, should I report these vehicles to ICBC, Motor Vehicle Branch and / or the police?

car emitting excessive smoke from the exhaust

No More AirCare

The AirCare program was created to put a stop to this in the Lower Mainland, but it was shut down completely at the end of 2014. According to our government, new options are being explored.

Too Much Exhaust Smoke

I have written about excessively smoky vehicle exhaust here on this site. It is a police responsibility, but honestly, I'm sure that this might come as a surprise to them. If you are interested in making a complaint to police you may do so.

Not a High Priority for Police

In my experience, people are reluctant to do much about it. Those who drive vehicles like this are often the least able to afford the repairs and it is unlikely that your complaint will be followed up.

I'm cynical about it obviously, but if it is important to you I would encourage you to try.

I recall one instance where I was contacted by a garage on behalf of the driver I had issued a repair order to. They wanted me to forget the order because the vehicle was owned by a senior who could not afford the necessary repairs.

Commercial Vehicles

To make a long story short, it appears that some attention may only be likely if your polluter is a large commercial vehicle. The reporting number, 1-888-775-8785 goes to a voice mail box for Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement.

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