
Information regarding topics that don't fit in established categories.

Ask DriveSmartBC

Question MarkI am blessed with a steady stream of questions that arrive from visitors to this web site. Whenever I am short on ideas to base my weekly article on I can count on someone to make a suggestion. This week the operative word is short, and I'm going to deal with questions that haven't developed into a full article but deserve a response.

PROGRAM - Citizen Led Traffic Calming

Road Safety Starts With YouThe City of Kitchener, Ontario has worked with it's residents to create a Neighbourhood Strategy and Implementation Plan. The Neighbourhood Strategy recommendations; called Love My Hood; encourages residents to take a lead role in making their neighbourhood great, with a commitment that City of Kitchener staff will help them every step along the way.

But I Didn't Know!

Head In SandI often prowl through driving forums on the internet searching for interesting topics of discussion. The following quote came from a site in Kelowna:

Sadly, not everyone knows the rules of the road and/or how to operate their motor vehicle correctly. Pressing the pedals and basic coordination is about as far as some people get.

Know Before You Go

Weather AlertThe beginning of this month was not a good one for many road users in the province with the weather related closure of 3 major east - west highway routes. Road maintenance contractors generally maintain our roads in good condition for safe driving, but when weather overwhelms their resources it should not be a surprise when road closures are the result. If you choose to travel during major weather events your mantra should be Know Before You Go or perhaps even simply Don't Go.

Q&A - Driving Without Due Care & Diabetes Issues

Q&A ImageQuestion: I'm trying to find the laws relating with driving without due care when someone has a unknown issue with diabetes that caused the incident and the fine. The officer involved also asked for a certificate of medical clearance because he had a suspicion that some sort of attack may have initiated the problem.