
Information related to motorcycles.

Q&A - Pushing Me To Go Faster

motorcycleI was on a motorcycle trip a few years ago with a friend , and was riding about 10 km/h faster on a two lane highway and cars were still pushing me to go faster. There was a solid line so no passing as well there were also curves to consider. The shoulder was loose gravel and for me to pull over each time the cars formed a pack behind me I would slow down and pull off to let them go.

MOTORCYCLES - Getting Licenced

Vancouver Island Motorcycle SchoolFor as long as I've known people that were nearly old enough to acquire a license I've been hearing the same things over and over again. It doesn't seem to matter how young or old someone is, almost all of them will offer up the fact that they are "really good drivers".

Q&A - Riding Motorcycles and Bicycles Side by Side

Q&A ImageRecently there have been a couple articles regarding bicycles and motorcycles riding side by side. To the best of my knowledge this is not illegal for the motorbike but when the bicycle does it and encroaches into the traffic lane. Because the bike is unable to maintain, in most cases the same speed as a motor vehicle this makes it a huge hazard but I don’t know or remember if this is illegal.

CASE LAW - Langley v Heppner

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis case decides the liability for a collision where a motorcycle overtaking two vehicles is struck when the second vehicle pulled out to pass the first. All three had been following together at a speed under the limit. At the first available opportunity the motorcycle passed, not seeing a signal from the vehicle in front.

CASE LAW - R. v Weighill

BC Courts Coat of ArmsA motorcycle rider decides to try and beat the yellow light and pulls out to pass other traffic that is stopping for the yellow reaching an estimated speed of 130 to 140 km/h in the posted 90 km/h zone. The driver of an oncoming car, observing traffic stopping, begins to turn left.

MOTORCYCLES - Riding at Night

Vancouver Island Motorcycle SchoolI do a lot of night riding, and with the days being as short as they are, I'm doing a bit more every week. At this time of year when it's dark on the island there is also a good chance it's going to be raining too, and if not, it's going to be cold enough that traction will be significantly reduced.