Q&A - N Driver for Supervisor

image of N and L New Driver signs for BCQuestion: My girlfriend's younger brother recently got his L licence and keeps asking if he can drive with his sister as a passenger. I already know this is illegal because as an L driver you can't have someone who has their N act as a supervisor.

My girlfriend and I both have our N license.

For some reason, the parents are fine with letting him drive, which I think is very irresponsible of them to be condoning that type of illegal behaviour.

My question is, what are the consequences to my girlfriend's younger brother as if he were to get pulled over and have my girlfriend acting as the supervisor? Also, are there any consequences to the supervisor since they only have their N license?

If possible, I would like to know if you can refer me to the specific laws that cover this situation. I just want to give them a heads up of the risk they are getting into if they ever again think of this.

I also want to let the parents know about the possible penalties and consequences that could happen aside from the obvious things like a car accident.

image of L sign and question for driver supervisor

Adult Supervisor Conditions

The accompanying adult conditions that you are looking for are found in division 30.06(1) MVAR. Failing to obey this restriction on the learner's driver's licence would attract a violation ticket under section 25(15) MVA. This would mean a fine and 3 penalty points.

Driver Improvement Program

It is likely that all of this will come to light after being stopped by police for a driving offence. That offence and a second count for disobeying the conditions would put the learner driver solidly within the range of penalty points that would have RoadSafetyBC issue a driving prohibition.

Collision Liability

I don't know what collision liability might be as I have not found case law on the subject to add to this site.

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