
Information related to the police.

Automated Licence Plate Recognition

police officer writing ticketAutomated Licence Plate Recognition (ALPR) is a tool that is being used more frequently for traffic law enforcement in B.C. Cameras mounted on police vehicles scan vehicle licence plates as they pass and compare them to a computer database. A "hit" in the database is announced to the patrolling officer and the vehicle will be stopped for investigation.

Can't I Just....

police officer writing ticketExpired drivers licenses, no lights, no trailer brakes, a little to much to drink and you are being told to park your vehicle at the roadside and this is the end of your journey. Can't I just drive home? Iā€™m only few blocks away....

Your Worship, the Officer was a Jerk!

GavelYou've just received a traffic ticket and that fact hasn't shed any sunshine on your day. It's bad enough that this has happened, but from your point of view the officer was less than gracious when they issued it to you. I'll dispute the ticket and tell the court exactly what I think may cross your mind as you consider your situation. Surely the justice will see my point and give me a break!

Q&A - CVSE Measured Speed, RCMP Wrote Ticket.

Q&A ImageI was recently stopped for a speeding violation of going 122 kph in a 80 kph zone but I was going just slightly over 80 when I noticed the officer in the middle of the highway to wave me over and as I looked in the rear view mirror there was a black Honda approaching me at very high rated of speed suprisingly he pointed at me to pull over (I have a black VW Golf) When he approached my vehicle he told me I was going 122 kph and