Q&A - Is It Legal To Drive With A Walking Cast On?

Q&A ImagePlease let me know if it is legal to drive with a walking cast on? Right or left foot? What if you are in an accident and are the driver wearing a walking cast? Can this alter your braking time? Could your foot slip?

image of driver with leg in a cast

Medical Standards

The CCMTA Medical Standards that guide B.C. doctors says this about musculoskeletal conditions:

Drivers operating motor vehicles of any class must be able to carry out many complex muscular movements swiftly, accurately and repeatedly in order to control a vehicle properly. Truck and bus drivers must also have good muscular strength and functional range of motion in both their arms and legs in order to handle these heavier vehicles.

Your doctor's recommendation about driving is probably the first piece of advice you should consider.

The Motor Vehicle Act has two sections that may apply:

Requirements for Moving Vehicle

195 (1) A person must not cause a vehicle to move on a highway if

(a) the control of the driver over the driving mechanism of the vehicle, or

(b) the view of the driver to the front or sides of the vehicle

is obstructed.

So, if you cannot reliably operate the pedals in your vehicle that would prohibit you from driving.

If something were to happen, in addition to a charge under this section, you would also be liable to a charge for either driving without due care and attention or for driving without reasonable consideration for others using the highway.

Careless Driving Prohibited

144 (1) A person must not drive a motor vehicle on a highway

(a) without due care and attention,

(b) without reasonable consideration for other persons using the highway, or

(c) at a speed that is excessive relative to the road, traffic, visibility or weather conditions.

(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) (a) or (b) is liable on conviction to a fine of not less than $100 and, subject to this minimum fine, section 4 of the Offence Act applies.

ICBC Crash Examples

ICBC publishes information about crash liability on it's website. Driving with a cast is not dealt with in the examples that are listed there.

Does Your Cast Bother You?

I suspect that a quick sit behind the wheel in your driveway will tell you whether you can reliably and properly operate the pedals or not. If you have any doubts, it's time to have someone else drive.

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