Q&A - Proper Position for Left Turns?

Q&A ImageI have a question about where to position my vehicle when making left turns at intersections with a traffic light. I have always entered the intersection (stopping somewhat before halfway through), then waited (with my signal on) to proceed safely and make the turn.

I have noticed that other drivers wait at the limit line and do not (are barely) enter the intersection.

The latter strategy, of course, implies the driver cannot proceed and complete the turn when the light turns yellow and red. This seems like a fundamental point but I cannot find any information on the proper procedure.

Can you clarify and show me the documentation that covers this issue?

image of how to prepare to make left turns at an intersection

Two Schools Of Thought for Left Turns

I was taught to enter the intersection on the green if it was safe to do so when I was preparing to turn left. I waited with wheels pointed straight ahead and made the left turn into the first available lane when I was able to.

Rick from Smart Drive Test teaches his students to wait outside of the intersection because this eliminates the chance of being hit by traffic approaching from the left that fails to stop.

ICBC Driving Manuals

ICBC's instruction manuals Learn to Drive Smart and the Tuning Up Guide have a number of illustrations of vehicle positioning and lane use for left turns.

Page 50 of chapter 4 in Learn to Drive Smart shows the path through the intersection that you should use for various types of left turns.

The Tuning Up For Drivers has step by step instructions for making a left turn starting on page 35 of session 5. It continues at page 82 of session 14 and this is where you find your answer about pulling into the intersection on the green and waiting patiently to turn left.

It doesn't tell you whether to use the method I learned or that Rick teaches, but does say that what I learned is permitted.

The Yellow Light

Depending on which method you choose, the yellow light may be important.

If you are in the intersection when the light turns yellow, you have the right of way to complete your left turn. If not, you must wait for the next cycle of the light to try and turn left.

The intersection is the yellow area in the following image:

image illustrating intersection area

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