Questions from site visitors answered.

Q&A - Does Your Supervisor Have to be Sane?

New Driver Signs 2011I'm just wondering if there is something in writing that states that the person who is being the supervising passenger, that is of age and holds a valid licence, is also required to be of sound mind and body. This meaning, specifically, that if the supervising passenger is drunk and unable to drive, they can still technically be the valid passenger, and the person with the "L" can still drive them home.

Q&A - Angle Parking in a Cul de Sac

Angle parking signI live in a cul de sac and I have always parallel parked on the street in front of my home. My neighbour is insisting I angle park so that it will allow an additional parking space in front. In my opinion angle parking would be contrary to section 190 of the Motor Vehicle Act. Am I correct or can we angle park in the cul de sac?

Q&A - Bus and HOV lanes

HOV SignSince leaving CMBC, I have been driving a senior's society's bus. Metro Vancouver has roads with lanes signed to show they are for HOV, Buses only, Vanpool & Buses, or "Authorized Vehicles only". If the bus is empty, I don't use an HOV lane, but will use the Buses only, and Vanpool & buses only lanes.  When full, I use the HOV, Buses only, and Vanpool & Buses lanes.

Q&A - Helping Out in Court

Q&A ImageI am representing my tenant in court as his English fluency is somewhat weak. As 2 officers stopped him, I was wondering if I were to call evidence from the officer who does not show up (assuming only 1 officer comes to court) would the Justice throw the case out since that would not be possible?

Q&A - Unpaid Traffic Tickets and Collection Agencies

Question: Q&A ImageAre collection agencies involved in collecting unpaid traffic tickets issued in BC? The collection agency that contacted me has been sending correspondence to an address in Delta. I have not had a drivers licence in BC or lived in BC for a long time. Now 7 years later they want me to pay the fine or risk having it effect my credit rating.