Questions from site visitors answered.

Q&A - Being Paced by Police in Front of Me

Q&A ImageI was driving behind the RCMP Freeway Patrol officer, not realizing we were both driving the same speed (distance of my car and his car were constant) and also didn't realise he was a police officer as it was an unmarked vehicle. As soon as I realised he speeds up,  I continue at my speed and then he slows down to about 70KM/H and I slow down to 80KM/H and pass him on the left.

Q&A - Traffic Calming on Strata Properties

Q&A ImageI live in a Strata Complex in Coquitlam, road access to the homes is from a busy street. Strata Complex roads are narrow and require drivers to drive <25k - the problem in the community is some drivers risky behaviour is a source of concern for many. Safety measures have been investigated resulting in Speed bump installation, stop signs, etc. What other choices are there for helping to educate the drivers who choose to ignore the request to slow down.

Q&A - Stolen Wallet, Can't Produce Licence

Q&A ImageHi.  I know of someone who has just lost their wallet with their license in it.  This person has report the wallet as stolen and the police have infomred this person that they can still drive even though this person has their license stolen and they told this person that if they get pulled over that the license is already reported stolen? I am a little confused on this.........

Q&A - Seatbelt Laws for Mini Buses

Q&A ImageI am finding discrepancies when I ask drivers of mini-buses whether they make their passengers wear their seat belts. I used to have my Class 4 license and we were always required to make sure the passengers had them on. Some drivers and companies seem to think this is optional depending on the passenger.

Q&A - We Need More Marked Crosswalks

image of warning sign for crosswalksQuestion: Last week on my daily walk, my friend and I were crossing the old Island Highway at the bottom of Bay Street. It looked like we had a lot of time but oddly a younger aggressive driver actually sped up as we were crossing. It was no where a near miss (or hit depending on perspective) but it made me question that there are no crosswalks for close to a kilometre.

Q&A - Chain Requirements

Q&A ImageHave all wheel drive and four wheel drive pickup new f150. Mud and snow rated tires. Does this truck require chains on all wheels when chain up signs are on. Truck can be switched from two wheel drive to these options. Are chains just needed for the rears?

Q&A - Reporting Jake Brake Violators

Q&A ImageVirtually all city and municipalities have laws regarding the use of Air Brake use in residential areas. However, as usual, there is very little enforcement being done.

Truck drivers either drive too fast or they've grown accustomed to use of Air Brakes with no regard for anyone but themselves. I hear and see this happening all the time in residentail arterial routes.