Questions from site visitors answered.

Q&A - Showing Proof of Speed

Q&A ImageMy mom recently received a traffic ticket for speeding in school zone.

The officer verbally told her that she was driving at 45 km/h in the 30 zone. Later, my mom heard from her friend who also got a ticket that the officer who stopped her actually showed the speed sensor to her for how fast she was going at the time.

Q&A - Difference Between Impaired and Over .08

Impaired Driving Counter Attack LogoI witnessed a discussion the other day about the difference between the charges of driving over .08 BAC and driving impaired. Over .08 BAC is obvious but what actions or behaviours can bring an impaired driving charge? Does it specifically refer to alcohol and drugs. Can a person be deemed impaired by illness, say dementia, or impaired by say a neck brace or cast?

Q&A - Driving Too Fast for Conditions

Q&A ImageMy son was ticketed with driving too fast for conditions. The air and roads were dry. No 'conditions'. He was in an unfamiliar area at night and was in a roundabout which had a steep ditch on one side. As he was unfamiliar with the round about, he simply turned into the curb instead of following the curve of the road, and ended up over the curb and slightly down the embankment.

Q&A - Designated Drivers

Counter Attack LogoI had a question regarding the Designated Driver Programs that are popping up around town.

On Grey Cup Sunday I had attended a sports bar with a plan to have 3 drinks in a 6 hour time frame and drive home. Well, at half time in the game, my plan was well out the window! At this point I was told of the Designated Driver Program that the bar offers.

I signed up for the service and enjoyed the rest of the game.