Questions from site visitors answered.

Q&A - Too Many Points

Q&A imageBeing a young person I don't have the best driving record. I have 13 points in the last 5 years couple of speeding tickets a failure to signal and a no drivers license (I had a license but it wasn't on me it was at home). So after 2 speeding tickets in the last 2 years I got rid of the motorcycle and the fast car and grew up.

Q&A - Why do They Need my Birthdate?

Q&A ImageWhy does the RCMP call taker make me feel like not ever calling in reports of impaired drivers anymore? (And I am not the only one that has commented on this).

I have always felt it as my duty to alert RCMP if there is an impaired driver on the road. I am willing to provide my name, my address, my phone number, and the pertinent details about the vehicle / driver etc. etc.

Q&A - Blacked Out Insurance Papers

Q&A ImageI've read an article advising that you should carry a photocopy of your vehicle licence with your name and address blacked out. If the vehicle was stolen with the keys or garage door opener in it, the thieves would not have easy access to your home and address. It went on to say that all the info that the police require would be on your drivers licence. Is this a good idea?

Q&A - This Citizen is Frustrated

Q&A ImageSpeak to a large majority of homeowners and they will all tell you the same things that bother them. The first big problem is noisy vehicles, especially as the warmer weather arrives. The city has noise bylaw and other laws under the Highway Traffic Act that were written as to make life in a community more enjoyable and maintain quality of life. Not much is being done to eliminate all of the excess annoying noise from vehicles, new or old.

Q&A - Impaired Driving

Q&A ImageMy comment is about drinking and driving.

My husband made an interesting statement a while ago that really stuck with me. He said he felt the reason we still have so many people drinking and driving is because we allow them to make a judgement on whether or not they are impaired after they have had a drink.