Schools and Playgrounds

Information related to school zones, school buses and playground zones.

A Different Approach to School Zone Safety

School Zone SignTwo years ago I wrote about my experience that a significant part of the safety problem in a school zone was caused by teachers and parents themselves. Their driving behaviour as they showed up to work or dropped off their children sometimes left a lot to be desired. Did they not realize that they were contributing to the problem?

What is a Regular School Day?

school zone signA visitor to this website remarked that the term "school days" in relation to school zone signs is becoming more and more ambiguous. The Motor Vehicle Act merely refers to "A person driving a vehicle on a regular school day" and I no longer know what a regular school day is, particularly since I don't have kids in school and when I am in an unfamiliar area of the province..

Stopping for a School Bus

School BusAccording to the Association of School Transportation Services of British Columbia, travel by school bus is statistically the safest method of ground transportation in Canada and by a substantial margin. We all expect and demand nothing less when our children and grandchildren are riding those buses to and from schools and school related events. Surely all drivers should understand this and not hesitate to stop when the red lights on a stopped bus are flashing.

School Zones

school zone signWe place a high value on our children and signify that with school and playground zones. Traffic is required to slow to the lowest speed limit that we normally post and drivers are expected to pay more attention than usual. Students must get to and from school safely.

School Crossing Guards

school crossing guardThe crossing guard is taking on a big responsibility when it comes to helping our children cross busy highways and intersections on their way to and from school each day. Traffic is in a hurry, the children don't always pay the attention that they should and sometimes the road conditions are poor or visibility is not good. It is not a job to be taken lightly!

NEWS - School Bus Stop Arm For Drivers Not Clear on the Concept

School BusThe addition of a five-foot stop sign arm installed on one of Mineral County, West Virginia's school buses is proving to be helping to keep children safer, school officials said. John Droppleman of the school system’s transportation department told the Board of Education on Tuesday that the extended arm was installed on bus No. 57.