Speed Watch Groups in B.C.

image of Speed Watch signSpeed Watch in B.C. is a volunteer run public safety program sponsored by ICBC and your local police agency. The aim of the program is to raise the awareness of motorists who are not following the speed limit and encourage them to slow down. Radar and digital display boards are used to show the speed of vehicles passing the roadside deployment.

Information on speed is recorded and shared with ICBC and the police to help guide enforcement activities.

There are many Speed Watch volunteer groups serving communities around British Columbia. Often their location, the services that they provide and their contact information is difficult to find.

Work in Progress

This page and the data that it contains is a work in progress. I will add what I am able to find on the internet and hope that eventually this ends up being a useful resource.

Speed Watch Volunteers

If you are a Speed Watch volunteer I would appreciate your assistance to make sure that your group is included on the map and that the information provided for it is current and complete.

Please contact me with your information.

Speed Watch Location Map

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