
Information related to vehicle speed and speeding.

PROGRAMS - 20's Plenty for Us

20's Plenty LogoThis web site supports a campaign for 20 mph speed limits in residential areas of Britain. The idea behind the movement is to bring pedestrians and cyclists back onto the streets, reduce injury if a collision occurs and showing that the reduction in speed costs motorists very little time.

Q&A - Showing Proof of Speed

Q&A ImageMy mom recently received a traffic ticket for speeding in school zone.

The officer verbally told her that she was driving at 45 km/h in the 30 zone. Later, my mom heard from her friend who also got a ticket that the officer who stopped her actually showed the speed sensor to her for how fast she was going at the time.

Q&A - Driving Too Fast for Conditions

Q&A ImageMy son was ticketed with driving too fast for conditions. The air and roads were dry. No 'conditions'. He was in an unfamiliar area at night and was in a roundabout which had a steep ditch on one side. As he was unfamiliar with the round about, he simply turned into the curb instead of following the curve of the road, and ended up over the curb and slightly down the embankment.

Excessive Speed

Radar TrapI would have thought that being faced with a fine of either $368 or $483 and 3 penalty points would make any driver hesitate to exceed the speed limit by more than 40 or more than 60 km/h. Even so, more than 10,000 drivers were fined in this manner last year in BC. Worse still, I know that this is only the start of the problem as these were just the drivers that were caught and issued the appropriate fine by police.

STUDY - Assessing Community Attitudes Toward Speed Limits

MUARC LogoThe Accident Research Centre at Monash University, Australia, has released a report that explores community attitudes towards current speed limits and examines some of the reasons for these attitudes. The majority surveyed were in favour of reducing speed limits on two lane 100km/h undivided rural roads and on rural gravel roads, but only about one third supported lower limits in urban areas at this time.

Setting Credible Speed Limits

Speed SignWithout doubt, the laws that drivers fail to follow the most often must regard the speed limit. Everyone has a justification for doing so. They range from being in a hurry, which is selfish, to the limit is set too low which is either a reasonable observation or a result of failing to take all factors into consideration.