Road Safety Programs

Information related to road safety programs.

The Responsible Driver Program

No AlcoholBC's Responsible Driver Program is required for drivers who have received an Immediate Roadside Prohibition for blowing a fail, having been convicted of an alcohol related driving offence or who have multiple alcohol related driving events on their driving record. The program may also be required because the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles has evidence that the driver has an alcohol abuse or misuse problem.

VIDEO - TACVictoria Video Retrospective

VideoAustralia is known for its hard hitting advertising campaigns aimed at reducing death and injury due to motor vehicle collisions. This video is a retrospective on 20 years of road safety campaigns. It features iconic scenes and images from commercials that have helped change they way we drive, all edited to the moving song Everybody Hurts by REM.

VIDEO - Don't Hurt the One You Love

VideoThis is a road safety campaign video from the UK, just in time for Valentine's day, aimed at teen drivers. One of the slogans used is 'More girls die as passengers than as drivers.' This is a significant idea for the female half of the equation to consider. They do need to play an active role in keeping the male focused on safe driving when necessary, obviously for their own good.