Traffic Tickets

Information related to traffic tickets and traffic court.

No Laser, No Radar, is the Ticket Valid?

image of handheld police radarI was issued a ticket for Speed Against a Municipal Sign for driving over 30 km/h in a playground zone. The officer had no laser and no radar. She flagged me over, saying "The speed limit here is 30, you were not doing 30." I can't say whether I was doing 31 or 51. My best guess based on the location I was pulled over would be somewhere between 30 to 40 km/h.

Q&A - Driving Without Reasonable Consideration for Others

Q&A ImageI was driving along no.6 in Richmond with a girlfriend and reached into my bag for smokes and an oncoming car came so I swerved a bit to the right and hit a hydro pole because it was so close to the shoulder and I ended up into a ditch. I wasn't speeding, it was a single car collision and nobody got hurt. Needless to say the car was a total loss.

Q&A - Didn't See the New Sign

Q&A ImageI routinely drive in a certain Vancouver area. Tonight I was ticketed for turning right at a red light. I was told there is a new no-right-turn-at-red-light sign, that I think was just installed in the last day or two. The policeman said he was waiting there for people to violate that sign.

Q&A - Ticket for Drive Without Due Care

Q&A ImageI was returning to Calgary from Seattle through Trans Canada 1 west of Golden. The road conditions were poor, with a few inches of fresh snow, and visibility was poor due to blowing snow. Traffic had slowed to around 50 km/h. I watched other drivers pass semis behind me which were moving at around 30 km/hm due to the extremely poor visibility from driving behind them.

Q&A - It Wasn't a School Zone

Question:Q&A Image Currently, I am disputing a ticket I received back in June; I was clocked on radar doing 60 km/h through a school zone and was alleged to have violated Section 147(1). However, the section of road I was travelling on is a fairly busy two-lane road, and as such the signs indicating the school zone do not have the "30 km/h" speed limit sign under them.

Q&A - Showing Proof of Speed

Q&A ImageMy mom recently received a traffic ticket for speeding in school zone.

The officer verbally told her that she was driving at 45 km/h in the 30 zone. Later, my mom heard from her friend who also got a ticket that the officer who stopped her actually showed the speed sensor to her for how fast she was going at the time.

Q&A - Driving Too Fast for Conditions

Q&A ImageMy son was ticketed with driving too fast for conditions. The air and roads were dry. No 'conditions'. He was in an unfamiliar area at night and was in a roundabout which had a steep ditch on one side. As he was unfamiliar with the round about, he simply turned into the curb instead of following the curve of the road, and ended up over the curb and slightly down the embankment.