
Information related to turning a vehicle.

Left Turn Into the Wrong Lane

Improper Left TurnI've noticed a new way to do left turns onto a busy four lane highway near my home. You stop at the stop sign on the side road, look both ways, then turn left, head on into the left turn lane on the highway. Once there, you check behind and move right into the fast lane if there is room. If not, you stop and wait until there is room to proceed.

Q&A - Changing Lanes In an Intersection

Q&A ImageToday I was almost in a traffic collision. I was turning right and people across the intersection were turning left. The street we were turning onto had two lanes either side of the centre. I assumed all of the people turning left would end their turn in the left-most lane because they were turning out of the only left turn lane and I was taught you shouldn't be changing lanes in an intersection.

CASE LAW - Tang v Rodgers

BC Courts Coat of ArmsWho is liable for the crash when one driver swings wide to turn right into his driveway and an overtaking driver passes on the right at the same time? That is the question decided by Justice Brown in the case of Tang v Rogers.

CASE LAW - R. v Weighill

BC Courts Coat of ArmsA motorcycle rider decides to try and beat the yellow light and pulls out to pass other traffic that is stopping for the yellow reaching an estimated speed of 130 to 140 km/h in the posted 90 km/h zone. The driver of an oncoming car, observing traffic stopping, begins to turn left.

CASE LAW - R v Moreno Munoz

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis case involves a collision where one of the drivers involved was making a left turn at an intersection. That driver, Madame Moreno Munoz was charged for failing to yield on left turn. The trial examines the concept of "immediate hazard" and whether the left turning driver or the driver proceeding toward the left turn driver is required to yield to the other based on the immediate hazard involved.