Unsafe Driving Practices

Information related to unsafe driving practices.

Q&A - 4 Wheeler Gripe

Q&A ImageI'm a semi truck driver and I've been cut off so many times by passenger vehicles racing around me to take an off ramp. They pull in front and hit their brakes. It's been close a couple times to the point I'm going to buy a dashcam to protect myself.

NEWS - Penalty Points for Distracted Driving Behaviours

province of bcI'm sure that you have heard by now that the BC government has announced penalty points to go with a violation ticket for talking on a handheld device while driving. This new penalty, which also covers infractions like watching a DVD, programming a phone’s GPS, and operating hand-held audio players, is being combined with the $167 fine already in place and is now consistent with the three points and $167 fine currently given to drivers for texting.

VIEWPOINT - Saw a preventable crash today

SoapboxWell, most crashes are preventable, even mechanical failure to some degree.

This rainy morning, as I was descending down a 10% grade coming up on an intersection, I observed two cars: grey Pontiac G5 being followed at about 3 feet distance by a large black Dodge Ram 1500.

Both vehicles were in the middle lane of a 3 lane street, where traffic 'typically' travels around 60km/h.