
Multimedia content

VIDEO - The Science Behind Low Level Speeding

video iconThis video from the Motor Accident Commission of South Australia explains clearly how the risk of a crash increases significantly with only a slight increase in speed. For me, the most interesting point is the idea that we tend to discount the risk because we disregard the speed limit frequently and nothing happens to us.

VIDEO - On The Road With The McIntyre Family

VideoThis TyreSafe video from the UK is equally valid here in British Columbia. Well, except for the 20p coin tread depth test of course! It urges you to consider the condition of your tires monthly, or at least prior to every long trip. In addition to what to check, it adds information on how tires can affect your ability to operate your vehicle safely.

VIDEO - How to Trigger a Traffic Light on Your Bike

VideoThis short video from the City of Redmond, Washington explains how inductive loops embedded in the pavement control traffic lights in response to traffic being present. If you are a cyclist, it can be difficult to trigger the lights if you don't know how to take advantage of the loops. Watch the video and learn how to effectively "cycle" the signal to green!

VIDEO - Seven Tips for Passing Your ICBC Road Test

VideoThese seven tips presented by ICBC may be used to successfully pass your road test, regardless of whether you drive a passenger vehicle, commercial vehicle or a motorcycle. For those of you who are already licensed drivers, these are seven tips that you should still be aware of so that you continue to drive safely and courteously.

VIDEO - Crashing Into the Rear of a Commercial Trailer

IIHS LogoI've always wondered how well the underride protection at the back of heavy commercial trailers would work, but I was never called on to investigate a collision like this. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has produced a video that shows these underride prevention structures provide poor protection when built to US standards and only slightly better protection when built to Canadian standards.

VIDEO - Motorcycle Reconstruction

VideoAnother great slow motion video from Australia's Transport Accident Commission (TAC). The public education campaign targets two of Victoria's biggest issues in road safety -- motorcycle safety and speed. The campaign, titled "Reconstruction", features a slow motion replay of a crash involving a motorcyclist and a car.