
Information regarding passing other vehicles

CASE LAW - Tang v Rodgers

BC Courts Coat of ArmsWho is liable for the crash when one driver swings wide to turn right into his driveway and an overtaking driver passes on the right at the same time? That is the question decided by Justice Brown in the case of Tang v Rogers.

Q&A - Ticket for Drive Without Due Care

Q&A ImageI was returning to Calgary from Seattle through Trans Canada 1 west of Golden. The road conditions were poor, with a few inches of fresh snow, and visibility was poor due to blowing snow. Traffic had slowed to around 50 km/h. I watched other drivers pass semis behind me which were moving at around 30 km/hm due to the extremely poor visibility from driving behind them.

Q&A - Ticketed for Crossing Double Solid Line to Avoid a Collision

Q&A ImageI have been ticketed for crossing a double yellow line just before the end of the right hand lane in a passing zone. The reason for this manoeuvre was I had been in the right lane and catching up to another vehicle, I switched to the left lane to overtake the slower moving vehicle, I estimate the speed variation to be around 30 KPH.