READING - Travel Time Savings and Speed: Actual and Perceived

image of rocket carThis report, dated May 2017, produced for the New Zealand Transport Agency. It aimed to understand time saving as a motivation for New Zealand drivers’ speeding in the context of other motivations for speeding, and to investigate the effect of education that aimed to improve participants’ understanding of the costs and benefits of speeding.

CASE LAW - R v Jahani

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis case results from a cell phone infraction enforcement deployment at the intersection of Marine Drive and Capilano Road in North Vancouver. On October 28, 2015 Masoud Jahani was observed looking down while stopped at a red light. When the constable approached Mr. Jahani's vehicle, he could be seen with a cell phone in his hand. He was directed to the side of the road where he told police that he had been inserting a charging cord into the phone because the battery was low. A violation ticket was issued.

NEWS - Provincial Court Support Person Guidelines

BC Courts Coat of ArmsOn April 10, 2017 provincial court Chief Judge Thomas J. Crabtree issue a Notice to the Profession for family court and civil proceedings. This was followed up by a notice from the provincial court titled Guidelines for Using a Support Person in Provincial Court. An associated  publication from the National Self-Represented Litigant's Project is The McKenzie Friend: Choosing and Presenting a Courtroom Companion.

VIDEO - How to Use a Bike Box

VideoThis video from the City of Victoria explains how to use bike boxes associated with the city's new protected cycling lanes from a cyclist's point of view. It is worthwhile viewing for drivers as it shows the movements of the cyclist at the intersection. Some movements by the cyclist may be unexpected in terms of what we are used to prior to the advent of the bike box and they are worthwhile encountering here first to avoid confusion on the road.