Q&A - Improperly Deemed Convicted

Q&A ImageHello. When I received the ticket I disputed immediately. The officer could not give me an answer to my question regarding  my drivers log book. I did what the letter said and replied as not guilty and the full reasons why. I was never sent a response and thought it was done. I should have followed up. I just seen it on my credit report and am wondering what I can do. I will  pay it if needed.

RESOURCE - Brain on Board

Brain LogoToday's vehicles are very complex machines that I'm willing to bet few of us read the operator's manual for. The active and passive safety systems in them can do a better job of protecting us if we understand how they work. The Brain on Board web site is full of written and video information to help you become comfortable with all of the high tech safety systems in your vehicle.

CASE LAW - R v Westgate

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis case is an appeal of a conviction for excessive speeding. Gary Westgate was measured using a laser speed measuring device at 96 km/h in a posted 50 km/h zone. At issue was a document concerning a device used to measure the output of the laser device itself. The certificate had expired in April of 2006..

VIDEO - Night Shift

VideoIf you spent any amount of time looking around the DriveSmartBC web site, you will probably guess that I really like the Australian traffic safety videos. They don't pull any punches and deliver their messages well. This one, on the danger of driving while impaired by fatigue, is no different.

Q&A - Deliberate Collision By Cyclist

CyclistWhat are you suppose to do when you've stopped at a red light when making a right hand turn and a homeless person on a bike purposely crashes your car because you're temporarily blocking the bike lane? He does damage to your expensive car, but he rides away. He looked like you wouldn't want to argue with him for fear of your life.

Q&A - Ordered to a Specific Inspection Facility

Q&A ImageQUESTION: I recently got pulled over for speeding by a police officer. He gave me a ticket to get my motorbike safety inspected. On the ticket he wrote down where I must get the safety inspection performed. Can he do this? Do I have to get it done where he stated? I have been told he cannot tell me where to get it inspected. Is this true, or will any approved safety inspection facility count?

PHOTOS OF CONCERN - Inadequate Trailer Hitch

cameraHere is an example of how not to attach a trailer to a vehicle found on Highway 4 near Port Alberni. The connection for the breakaway brake is the cable dangling at the center of the picture. The end of this cable should be attached to the towing vehicle somewhere other than to the hitch itself, and definitely not to the safety chain. The aim of this device is to apply the trailer brakes in the event of the trailer accidentally disconnecting from the vehicle.

Q&A - What to do About Noisy Vehicles?

Q&A ImageI live in Burnaby in a high-rise condo apartment near MetroTown and am very upset by the excessive noise from both motorcycles and cars that have obviously altered the vehicle from the manufacturer's specifications resulting in noise that can be heard for a kilometer or more away from my place. Motorcycles are the worst offenders.

Q&A - Will Getting a Ticket Delay my Road Test?

New Driver Signs 2011I have received a ticket for disobeying license instructions over the weekend. I hold a Learners license, which alows me to drive with a supervisor of 25+ and with a valid class 5 license. At the time stopped I did not have a supervisor, and did not have my "L" sign displayed. This is my first offence.