Q&A - Riding Motorcycles and Bicycles Side by Side

Q&A ImageRecently there have been a couple articles regarding bicycles and motorcycles riding side by side. To the best of my knowledge this is not illegal for the motorbike but when the bicycle does it and encroaches into the traffic lane. Because the bike is unable to maintain, in most cases the same speed as a motor vehicle this makes it a huge hazard but I don’t know or remember if this is illegal.

Q&A - Changing Lanes In an Intersection

Q&A ImageToday I was almost in a traffic collision. I was turning right and people across the intersection were turning left. The street we were turning onto had two lanes either side of the centre. I assumed all of the people turning left would end their turn in the left-most lane because they were turning out of the only left turn lane and I was taught you shouldn't be changing lanes in an intersection.

CASE LAW - MacEachern v Rennie

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis case decides liability after a collision between a cyclist and a large commercial truck. Christina MacEachern was riding or walking beside a bicycle along the King George Highway in Surrey, B.C. She was opposing traffic on the shoulder of the roadway which was narrow due to vehicles parked next to it.

VIEWPOINT - Wasting my Time

SoapboxThis AM I submitted a drivers complaint to the local RCMP with a statement and diagrams showing where the incident took place. Well, they called me back telling me they had contacted the driver re the complaint and decided to give her a warning as she did have a clean driving record, and the constable said she apologized.

My thought was she had a clean driving record, probably because she has not been caught.

VIDEO - Microsleeps

VideoMicrosleeps are a fleeting, uncontrollable episode of sleep which may last from a fraction of a second up to 10 seconds. These episodes occur most frequently when a sleepy person is trying to remain awake. Up to 20% of crashes in Australia are blamed on this phenomena. Dr. Karl, who narrates this video, is best known as an author and science commentator on Australian radio and television.

Q&A - Novice Driver Crashes, Then Drinks and is Suspended by Police

Q&A ImageI have a question and after reading some of your articles, you may be the one to clarify this for me. My son, who is a novice driver in GLP of BC, was in an accident here on Vancouver Island. He was the only one involved, going into the ditch but sustained a large 2" gash on his chin, right down to the bone.