RESOURCE - Toolkits for Traffic Problem Solving

ReThink LogoTransportation Alternatives' mission is to "reclaim New York City from cars, transforming our streets into safe, sustainable, and equitable places to walk, bike, take transit, gather, and thrive." To advance that mission the group has furnished two freely available toolkits to assist the public in making their neighbourhoods a safer place.

VIDEO - Vancouver's Worst Drivers: May 6, 2023

VideoVancouver's Worst Drivers is a YouTube channel that features submitted dash cam video from BC's Lower Mainland highlighting examples of terrible driving. The videos show collisions, people being dumb behind the wheel, people having no idea how rules of the road work, pedestrians doing stupid things, along with rants on things that drive the channel author nuts about other drivers.

Yielding on Left Turns

Left Turn CrashA driver from Rutland e-mailed with a concern regarding the intersection of Nickel Road and Highway 33. Highway 33 is five lanes wide with a two way left turn lane in the middle and Nickel Road is a two lane residential street. She regularly stops and waits to turn left off of Highway 33 onto Nickel Road and is horrified when through traffic on the highway stops to allow her to make the turn.

VIDEO - Why You Shouldn't Drive in Water

VideoBefore I watched this video warning against driving most cars through water on the road that is 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) deep, I probably would not have considered it to be worth my while to find another way around. With flood warnings currently being issued for various parts of BC, the knowledge shared here could help you avoid thousands of dollars in repair costs.

POLL - Low Confidence in Other Drivers

Question MarkSome days are better than others, but I met more than the usual number of bad drivers on my last one. Tailgaters, speeders and drivers who insisted on changing lanes into the space directly in front of me were well represented. Apparently I'm not alone in my experiences as a ResearchCo poll found that just under half of Canadians dread their local drivers.

Noisy Motorcycles

MotorcycleI've been looking forward to eating a meal on our back deck and enjoying the warm sunshine outdoors for a while now. Last evening was the first comfortable opportunity so my wife and I took advantage of it. The breeze was rustling the branches, the birds were chirping, the frogs were peeping and the motorcycles were whining and rumbling.

CASE LAW - Panganiban v Sovdat

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThe case of Panganiban v Sovdat involves the crosswalk on 160th Street about 130 metres south of 96th Avenue in Surrey. Ms. Panganiban, aged 14, was walking home from school with a friend and began to cross 160th Street in the marked crosswalk. Ms. Sovdat was driving southbound on 160th Street and collided with the two pedestrians. Ms. Sovdat denied liability for the collision stating that the girls had walked in front of her when she was so close that she could not avoid striking them.

VIDEO - Motorcycles: You're Leaning the Wrong Way

motorcycleThis video is from the FortNine channel on YouTube. It explains that there are three ways to position your body in relation to  your motorcycle when you are making a turn: lean, counter-lean and neutral. The video explains why learning to counter-lean your motorcycle is the best choice for highway riding.

Buyer Beware

Warning"If it is illegal for me to have on my vehicle, how come they are selling it to me at the store?" This question is common in response to corrective action taken after inspecting an illegally equipped vehicle at the roadside. In some cases the question is asked in an attempt to deflect responsibility, and in others it is asked simply because the driver trusted the retailer.