Pets and Air Bags

Pets Don't DriveOur lap dog loves to go for car rides! She's generous too because you are more than welcome to sit underneath her in the right front seat. The trouble is, this is definitely not a good place for pets to ride in the car today.

Pets and Air Bags Do Not Mix

Hopefully we've learned that airbags and children don't go together, but have we stopped to consider our pets? Air bags are designed to restrain large people and according to veterinarians will do significant damage to a pet, perhaps to the point of killing them outright.

They will also be thrown around the interior of the vehicle like a projectile, unless something stops them. That something stopping your pet might be you or a member of your family.

Remember that airbags deploy at speeds reaching 320 km/h. Now imagine how much it will hurt when that pet smashes into you.

That's not a pretty picture, is it?

Best Places for Pets to Ride

The best place for your pet is the same as for your child, the centre of the rear seat away from front and side airbags.

They can also ride in the cargo area if your vehicle has one.

Never allow your pet to sit in your lap while you are driving!

Restraints for Pets

You can choose to restrain your pet with a proper harness. The trouble is, pet accessories are not regulated in Canada so there are no specific rules about restraints.

According to the Center for Pet Safety, few harnesses are effective in properly restraining your pet. If they are tested at all, the test is conducted in the same manner as child restraints and this may not be appropriate for pets.

Consider a Crate

The Canadian Automobile Association recommends securing your pet in a crate for travel. According to them, the crate is a better choice than a harness.

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How true. I go down to beach every day in AM to read my 2 papers. Only 1 or so arrive with their mutt restrained. Many for sure looking over the steering wheel. Have mentioned this but finger is mostly given.