Commercial Vehicles

Information regarding heavy commercial vehicles.

CASE LAW - R v Dassylva

BC Courts Coat of ArmsIn response to complaints of commercial vehicles failing to follow regulatory requirements in the District of McKenzie the police began to operate compliance check stops. A Kenworth tractor without a trailer was observed traveling northbound on Highway 39 near the causeway outside Mackenzie. The officer followed the vehicle for some kilometers before stopping it and interviewing the driver.

NEWS - Audit of Commercial Vehicle Safety

auditor general logoBC's Auditor General has released the report of an independent audit of commercial vehicle safety in our province. The audit looked at whether the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia and the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General have effectively managed their respective programs to promote the safe operation of commercial vehicles on B.C. roads.

NEWS - Commercial Trucks Confined to Right Lanes

TranBC logoEffective this week, heavy commercial vehicles will be forbidden to use the leftmost lane on the Coquihalla Highway between Box Canyon and Zopkios. Aimed at keeping "spun out" trucks on the right side of the highway and the left lane clear for snow removal equipment and tow trucks. If this pilot program produces the hoped for outcome it may be extended to other routes in the interior of the province.

CBC MARKETPLACE - Commercial Driver Licensing

Truck Tractor and TrailerCBC's Marketplace has produced a program on commercial driver licensing in Canada. Their driver earned his commercial driver's licence in Saskatchewan and then failed the test for the same licence category in Ontario. At issue is the varying level of skill necessary to obtain a commercial driver's licence across the provinces.

Tipping Heavy Trucks Over On Purpose

Truck Tractor and TrailerIn what may be one of the ultimate Tonka toy dreams, I was lucky enough to participate in a training session where we were tipping heavy trucks over on purpose. The adventure, spearheaded by Eric Brewer, took place on a dormant runway at the Boundary Bay airport that is used by government agencies for driver training and collision reconstruction testing.

Q&A - Driving While Wearing Hearing Protection

Q&A ImageWhat are the laws in BC about wearing hearing protection while operating a non-commercial vehicle?

I drive a diesel panel van, and the noise level in the cab is VERY high at highway speeds - to the point that conversation is difficult and my ears ring after extended drives.  I am concerned about hearing damage, so would like to wear hearing protection.

Q&A - Tire Chains for 55 Passenger Bus

commercial vehicle chain signI am trying to get confirmation on the law regarding chain requirements for a BC commercial 55 passenger bus for winter driving.

The wording of the law is ambiguous. It states that school buses must carry chains and Commercial transport trucks must carry chains when driving on the highway, but that passenger vehicles are not required to carry chains.