Content supplied by or concerning the Insurance Corporation of BC

Q&A - Surrendering Licence to Mitigate Points

Q&A ImageThis weekend I was speedtrapped with a speed measuring device, and awarded an excessive speeding ticket (105 in 60 zone). I have been travelling on a motorcycle in the left lane, wanted to merge into the right to let the car behind me pass, gained speed to get ahead of the cars in the right lane and was caught on a radar.

Q&A - Impersonation

Q&A ImageIt's drivers licence renewal time. You organize and drop by the nearest ICBC Driver Service Center to pay your renewal fee, have your picture taken and leave with your temporary new licence with the promise that you will receive your picture licence in them mail shortly. For most of us, that's the scenario.

Q&A - Too Deep in Debt to Drive

ICBC LogoI am an employment counsellor with a First Nations Employment Service in BC.  Many of my clients were young and foolish when they started driving and got caught without a license or insurance and they kept doing this until they owe thousands of dollars.  This problem is interfering with their ability to earn a living as adults.  Is there a process whereby they can make payments to get their license back?

VIDEO - How to Adjust Your Head Restraint

VideoThis short video from ICBC shows you how to properly adjust your head restraint. A Canadian study on headrest use, funded by the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC), found that only 14 per cent of Canadian drivers (more women than men) had their headrests adjusted in the 'good' position. For 53 per cent of the drivers observed, the adjustment was so inadequate that it would not protect them from injury in a rear-end collision.

How Big is BC's Collision Problem?

Intersection CrashEvery year on the first of January I restart the collision counter on the DriveSmartBC web site. In order to try and keep it accurate I check ICBC's latest collision statistics, calculate the daily average and tweak the code that produces the display. This year, I can't get data on the number of people injured by impaired drivers. I'm sure that you will agree that it is an important statistic to know.

Q&A - Sending Photos of Dangerous Drivers to ICBC

Q&A ImageHighway 33, from above Big White turn off to Beaverdale is getting very dangerous. Travelling either way, cars are waiting too long to pass, and end up returning to their lane on double solid lines, just prior to a corner, and often on the curve of the corner. Anyone coming the other way would have no chance of avoiding a head on collision.