
Information regarding topics that don't fit in established categories.

Q&A - What to do About Noisy Vehicles?

Q&A ImageI live in Burnaby in a high-rise condo apartment near MetroTown and am very upset by the excessive noise from both motorcycles and cars that have obviously altered the vehicle from the manufacturer's specifications resulting in noise that can be heard for a kilometer or more away from my place. Motorcycles are the worst offenders.

Transporting Propane and Other Flammable Gases

Propane TankToday's explosion in West Vancouver left a car barely recognizable, injured passers by and did damage to many nearby buildings. The owner of the car left a leaking cylinder of acetylene gas inside and the windows and doors closed. The tiny spark generated by the electric door locks was enough to trigger what amounted to a bomb.

Q&A - Driving a US Resident's Vehicle in BC

Q&A ImageIf a US resident comes to BC with his/her US licensed and insured vehicle to visit friends or family, is there a restriction about who can drive the vehicle?  Can a BC licensed driver operate the vehicle, and if so, does the owner of the vehicle have to be in the vehicle while it is being driven by the BC driver.

RESOURCE - 15 Passenger Van Operation

ReThink LogoThis 17 page document from the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators examines safety in three key areas of the operation of 15 passenger vans: personal use, commercial use and the transportation of students. Much of the information that it contains should already be common practice for all drivers. Review is critically important because these vehicles are not as forgiving of negligence or mistakes as normal passenger vehicles may be.

Nuisance Lights

TranBC logoLights, without a doubt the subject that generates the greatest number of requests for DriveSmartBC articles. We've looked at almost every kind of light connected with the operation of a vehicle or cycle on a highway in British Columbia, so it's time to widen our view to the roadside. Have you been blinded by the light emitted by newer LED advertising signs?

Skateboarders in Traffic

SkateboardA teen stepped off of the sidewalk as I approached, hopped onto his skateboard and began to weave slightly along the curb in front of my vehicle. He either trusted me with his life or had not given much thought to his own as he was far enough into the lane to be a hazard and had his back to overtaking traffic. I had to slow and crowd the center lane to get by.

Q&A - Drinking in a Motorhome

Q&A ImageQuestion: I was wondering about drinking in a motor home and its legality. I understand that definition of motor home from the Motor Vehicle Act. I further understand that a person must not drive or otherwise exercise control over the operation of a motor vehicle.

Stay Home!

Winter StormWe've had some interesting weather in southwestern British Columbia over the last few days! It's included some less than ideal driving conditions due to ice, snow and rain, often in combination. A common bit of advice heard in the media is "if you don't have to travel, stay home!