Questions from site visitors answered.

Q&A - Just Received a Notice of Prohibition

Q&A ImageI just received a notice of prohibition in the mail yesterday stating that I am being suspended from driving for 4 months due to my unsatisfactory driving recording and I must surrender my license. I have received 2 tickets in my 10 years of driving, however I still have my 'N', although I have been able to go for my full license for quite some time.

Q&A - Ticketed for Using Cell Phone When Engine was Off

Q&A ImageI was handed a traffic violation ticket today for 'use of electronic device when driving", however I was stopped in traffic in the right-most lane, and the engine to my vehicle was off due to a Start/Stop feature that shuts my engine down every time my car comes to a complete stop (for fuel efficiency purposes).

Q&A - Left Turn from Wrong Lane

Q&A ImageSomething that I am seeing more frequently when leaving the Superstore here in Courtenay, and I wonder if you  are seeing it down your way. The link below shows the grey car in a left turning lane and when that driver receives the advanced left-turning signal, then turns onto Ryan Road heading toward the Island Hwy bypass. The lane to his right as you can see goes straight onto Sandwick Rd.