Questions from site visitors answered.

Q&A - Are Parking Boots Legal in BC?

no parking signHello, I don't know if this is the correct place to find this out, or perhaps you could suggest where I could turn, but are parking boots legal in BC? I work for a BC college and we are constantly battling improper parking and as a small campus we do not charge for parking and thus have no enforcement. A suggestion was to buy and start using a parking boot for cars parked illegally or in an unsafe manner.

Q&A - U-Turns Around Wide Boulevards

Q&A ImageI hope you don't mind a question about U-Turn that always puzzles me. On a 4-lane street (2 lanes in each direction) with a large boulevard in between, can a driver turn left and stop at that boulevard, when traffic is clear, turn left again on that road?

So this car would end up driving in the opposite direction. Does this action considered an illegal U-Turn?