Questions from site visitors answered.

Q&A - Disputing a Suspension

New Driver Signs 2011I need some serious help here! I am an N driver and I've sped twice in an almost two year period. Once was 110/kmph in a 90 and another time was 109kmph/ in a 90/kmph zone. Both occured in a 4 month period whilst I was driving my ,then ,17 year old friend (living on his own) to work. I was late, it was summer road conditions and I didn't want my friend to get fired.

Q&A - Winter Tires & Rental Cars

Winter Tire Regulatory SignQUESTION: I live in Vancouver and My friends and I are thinking of going to the Clayoquot Oyster Festival in Tofino in late November, but I remember the Pacific Rim Highway was signposted "use winter tires or carry chains between October and April". I have tried asking many car rental companies and none of them have winter tires, and could not confirm winter tires availability for November. Do you know what we could do in this case?

Q&A - Left Turn Over Single Solid Line

Q&A ImageOn my way home from dropping my daughter at school I turn left onto my street at an intersection and then need to turn left immediately again as my house is the 1st driveway. I do so over a single yellow line and am often getting honks etc. I don't think they're aware I'm turning into a driveway although I do signal... Am I wrong or are they?

Q&A - Behaving Properly at Stop Signs

Q&A ImageI need a lot of help with these questions that I can't find the right answers to from anyone: What are the rules at a two way stop when 2 cars face each other? There is a different answer on your website and also with ICBC's Learn to Drive Smart Guide. I don't know who proceeds first if both cars stop at the same time face to face and are both turning left on the through street.