Questions from site visitors answered.

Q&A - How Do We Increase Enforcement On Our Highways?

Q&A ImageI have lived in the southern interior of BC . for just over 20 years .

I ‘m told that through my work experience , driving of commercial trucks as well as my own personal vehicles , I am considered to be a professional driver. I am currently semi – retired and drive a school bus for a local school district .

Q&A - Driving While Wearing Hearing Protection

Q&A ImageWhat are the laws in BC about wearing hearing protection while operating a non-commercial vehicle?

I drive a diesel panel van, and the noise level in the cab is VERY high at highway speeds - to the point that conversation is difficult and my ears ring after extended drives.  I am concerned about hearing damage, so would like to wear hearing protection.

Q&A - Disputing Violation Ticket for My Suicidal Father

Q&A ImageMy 83-year old father got a violation ticket and I am considering whether I should (or can) dispute it on his behalf. It is a somewhat unique case.  My father had shown signs of  mental illness and last month I just managed to get a geriatric specialist to send in a medical report that requires him to take a driving assessment.

RANT - Honk When Locking

SoapboxOver the last 15 months I have had an issue in regards to horn honking in our neighborhood. I think the problem can easily be resolved by education.

Many vehicle owners have picked up some really bad habits and possibly don't know that their bad habits are affecting others.

Q&A - Two Way Left Turn Lane Collision

Q&A ImageMy house fronts a busy street and when turning left from my drive way in heavy traffic. I generally go through the northbound lane and into the Two Way Left Turn Lane, stop and wait to merge right into the southbound lane. I can’t seem to find legislation saying this is illegal in British Columbia but I haven’t found anything saying it is legal either.

Q&A - Tire Chains for 55 Passenger Bus

commercial vehicle chain signI am trying to get confirmation on the law regarding chain requirements for a BC commercial 55 passenger bus for winter driving.

The wording of the law is ambiguous. It states that school buses must carry chains and Commercial transport trucks must carry chains when driving on the highway, but that passenger vehicles are not required to carry chains.

Q&A - Freeway Crossovers

Q&A ImageAll freeways in BC appear to have cross over sections that connect the separated highways. These sections all have do not enter signs on each side. What type of vehicle or driver is permitted to enter these sections of the highway?