
Scholarly information regarding some aspect of traffic safety.

RESEARCH - IIHS Rates Vehicle Headlights

IIHS LogoFor the first time, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has tested and rated vehicle headlights. Of the 31 mid-sized vehicles examined, only one, the Toyota Prius, received a "good" rating. All the others rated acceptable, marginal or poor in roughly the same proportion. If you've wondered about glare from oncoming vehicles or thought that you weren't seeing well driving at night, the proof may be here.

RESEARCH - Road Safety Campaigns

TIRF LogoRoad Safety Campaigns What the Research Tells Us: This report contains an overview of leading theories that provide the foundation for road safety campaigns. It is combined with a comprehensive summary of the research evidence related to the effectiveness of road safety campaigns generally, and examples of individual campaign evaluations regarding drinking and driving, distracted driving, seatbelt use, speeding and vulnerable road users.

RESEARCH - CBC Marketplace: Paws for Concern

Crash TestWe buy products that we expect will perform according to the manufacturer's claims for them. In this case the product is a restraint for our canine friends when they ride in our vehicle with us. The claim is that the restraints will protect the animal. CBC Marketplace testing finds the contrary, our expectations may be putting both our pets and ourselves at risk.

RESEARCH - Drug Impaired Driving Among Canadian Teens

TIRF New LogoParents must discuss the dangers of driving under the influence of drugs with their teenagers. Currently 36.6% of teen fatalities tested positive for alcohol and 39.2% tested positive for drugs. In this context drugs include illegal, over the counter and prescription drugs. Cannabis was by far the most prevalent substance, with 28.6 per cent of fatally-injured drivers testing positive for it. The trend is downward for alcohol and upward for drugs.

RESEARCH - Rethinking Streets

Road ConstructionThe web site describes this publication as "Rethinking Streets: An Evidence-Based Guide to 25 Complete Street Transformations, documents twenty-five case studies from around the country that helped facilitate more walking, biking, and transit use while enhancing commercial activity, with minimal to no negative impact on automobile access."

RESEARCH - One Drink May Impair Older Drivers

Keys and DrinkA study by researchers at the University of Florida reports that "You may have only had one glass of wine with dinner, but if you’re 55 or older, that single serving may hit you hard enough to make you a dangerous driver." Groups of young drivers and older drivers were tested on a driving simulator sober and with blood alcohol levels of .04 and .065.

RESEARCH - Safer speeds: an evaluation of public education materials

Speed DemonChoosing the speed to drive at on our highways is a highly controversial and individual decision. I would dare to say that the posted speed limit is only a guide for many drivers. For those drivers, the choice ranges from total disregard to the point that you decide what is 10 over from.