Safety Equipment

Information regarding driver & vehicle safety systems and equipment.

Ignoring Your Own Safety

SeatbeltWhen I learned to drive more than 4 decades ago, seatbelts were becoming standard equipment on all vehicles. Fast forward to today and we have seatbelts, multiple airbags and a host of automatic systems designed to either avoid a crash or minimize the damage to us if we are in one. Why then do some of us ignore the systems that are there for our protection?

VIDEO - Should Wearing a Bicycle Helmet be Mandatory?

video iconThis video is a news story carried on CTV Vancouver Island. It explains that helmet use has been mandatory for a long time but may cyclists don't bother wearing them. Those that don't believe that it should be a personal choice. This is balanced by those who wear one and have avoided serious injury in a crash because of it.

VIDEO - Keep Your Safety Sensors Clean

video iconYou don't just keep your vehicle clean so that it looks good anymore. The sensors for your vehicle's safety systems need to be kept clean so that they will function as intended as well. This video from Consumer Reports describes six sensors that your newer vehicle may be equipped with and the maintenance that they need to continue to protect you properly.

Some People Still Don't Wear Their Seatbelt

SeatbeltOver my lifetime so far, I've gone from a child who rode on a foam mattress in the back of our family station wagon on summer road trips to a grandfather who would not dream of driving anywhere without grand daughters safely buckled up in proper child restraints. Needless to say, wearing my own seatbelt has become a reflex action. I'm uncomfortable if I don't wear it and don't notice it when I do.