Safety Equipment

Information regarding driver & vehicle safety systems and equipment.

Q&A - Taxi Passengers Not Wearing Seatbelts

Q&A ImageMy partner and I live in Victoria and finally able to afford it, decided to go out to dinner in North Saanich.  Not wanting to drink and drive, we went to the expense of booking a hotel in Sidney and took a taxi to the restaurant and back .  On the way back to the hotel after our dinner, the taxi driver went through a road block immediately after turning off the highway onto Beacon Avenue, directly

RESOURCE - Winter Tire & Chain Up Routes in BC

BC LogoOne of the more common questions that I receive at this time of year is "Do I need winter tires to drive to ________." The Province of B.C. has provided maps of locations where winter tires (or carrying tire chains for commercial vehicles) is mandatory. Now you can go to the site, choose the appropriate map and answer that question.

Buying and Selling Used Child Restraints

Booster SeatMy dear wife had her tablet open the other evening and commented to me about a minor furor in a local buy and sell group on Facebook. Someone in the group was trying to sell a child safety seat and was being badgered because it was against the law to sell car seats. I wondered what law made it illegal to sell child restraints because I had not heard of one before. Do your research was her response, you’ll be able to write an article about it.

VIDEO - Log Truck Rollover and Seatbelt Safety

VideoThis video was produced by the Trucking Advisory Group of the BC Forest Safety Council. The introduction states "Log truck driver, Adrian Sunduk, shares his story of how a seat belt saved his life. Before attending an Anatomy of a Rollover session, he had never worn a seat belt off highway because he had always planned to jump out of the truck if ever he got into a situation … See what convinced him that he was wrong and how wearing a seat belt saved his life."

VIDEO - Reducing Your Risks in the Crash

VideoYou probably never give it much thought, hop in, throw on the seatbelt and drive away. Chances are that if it's your vehicle you don't have to adjust the seat either. I wonder if you've ever read your owner's manual on properly adjusting your seat or your seatbelt? For those of you who have not or don't remember, here's a video from the IIHS to help make sure that you are effectively restrained in the event of a crash. It's the best way to minimize your chance of injury or death if you can't avoid the collision.

CHILD RESTRAINT - Beware of Winter Clothing

Booster SeatBulky winter clothing could put your child at risk by reducing or defeating the protection provided by a child restraint. The video below shows how a crash test dummy in a bulky winter coat slides between the straps of a child restraint in a simulated 50 km/h frontal collision. The coat prevents the straps from tightening properly against the child's body. Remember, if you pinch the straps between your fingers you must not be able to fold any of the strap. If you can, it is still too loose.

VIDEO - ICBC's Gear It or Shear It Series

ICBC LogoICBC has produced two new videos aimed at making sure motorcycle riders use proper safety gear to protect themselves in the event of a crash. The first two videos are on riding pants and riding gloves. Protecting your hands and legs with the right gear as opposed to work gloves and blue jeans are shown. The third compares full face and partial helmets.