Signs & Signals

Information regarding traffic signs and signals.

Q&A - Cross Walk Signage

Q&A ImageAt the corner of Johnson Road and Russell Avenue there is a regular crosswalk sign that has been in place for many years. Two years ago, White Rock installed traffic lights along with pedestrian "Walk - Don't Walk" electric signs; but has not taken down the old crosswalk signs.

CASE LAW - Chang v Alcuaz

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThe case of Chang v Alcuaz examines an intersection collision where the drivers approached each other at right angles. Both claim that they were facing a green light when they proceeded into the intersection. It is interesting to see how the judge determines which driver had actually faced a green traffic signal.

Q&A - Disputing a Red Light Ticket

Q&A ImageI got a traffic ticket for not stopping at a red light. However, I believe that I entered the intersection before the signal turned to red. There was no camera to support this charge.

I did not stop because my car was accelarated, I believed stopping would cause a more dangerous situation. Also, it was difficult to make a clear judgement because the situation was urgent.