Traffic Tickets

Information related to traffic tickets and traffic court.

Disputing An Excessive Speeding Ticket

Q&A ImageWest Vancouver, Highway 1, going East. Speed limit is 90. Snowboarders in a van with WA plates zip ahead pushing 140 going back home. Following the van I catch myself going pretty fast and slow down. A couple of seconds after that I see a patrol car with lights on in hot pursuit behind me. I though he was after the WA van, but he pulled me over instead... I had my wife, a baby and mother-in-law in the car.

Q&A - Limitation of Action

Q&A ImageI was involved in a traffic accident 2 nights ago in Vancouver.  I hit another vehicle at an intersection and called the police.  I could not remember the details of the accident but I told the police that I was not sure what colour the light was and admitted responsibility that I hit the other car.  The police took down all the information, asked me to report to ICBC but did not give me a ticket and did not say th

Q&A - Trial Adjourned by Crown

Q&A ImageI was ticketed for speeding and contested the ticket.  I recieved my trial date notice and wasn't able to make that date.  I then applied to change the date and was approved.  After that, the ticketing officer called (my wife answered) and wanted to change the new date.  He said he would call back as he needed to speak with me, but I never heard from him.