Traffic Tickets

Information related to traffic tickets and traffic court.

Fail to Remain at a Single Vehicle Crash

crash cartoonLast year I was involved in a single vehicle accident. I swerved to miss a raccoon (is what i think it was, anyways) and hit a curbed meridian. No injuries, noone else involved. I bent a rim on the car though and it looked like the tire was losing pressure bigtime, so I parked the car and went home to get a car dolley to tow it home and save on some ridiculous tow bill.

Your Worship, the Officer was a Jerk!

GavelYou've just received a traffic ticket and that fact hasn't shed any sunshine on your day. It's bad enough that this has happened, but from your point of view the officer was less than gracious when they issued it to you. I'll dispute the ticket and tell the court exactly what I think may cross your mind as you consider your situation. Surely the justice will see my point and give me a break!

Q&A - Red Light Camera Served to Dealership

Q&A ImageI work at a used car dealership (not the owner) doing administration. One of the dealership vehicles was on a test drive (with D plate in a bag with a plate bag pouch) and the test driver drove through a red light up the street and the red light camera took a picture. Someone from court sevices just came by and served the car dealership with a ticket as the demonstration plate belongs to the dealership.

Q&A - CVSE Measured Speed, RCMP Wrote Ticket.

Q&A ImageI was recently stopped for a speeding violation of going 122 kph in a 80 kph zone but I was going just slightly over 80 when I noticed the officer in the middle of the highway to wave me over and as I looked in the rear view mirror there was a black Honda approaching me at very high rated of speed suprisingly he pointed at me to pull over (I have a black VW Golf) When he approached my vehicle he told me I was going 122 kph and

VIEWPOINT - My Day in Traffic Court

SoapboxI've recently attended a dispute hearing for a speeding in a municipality charge. When I arrived the officer greeted me in the hallway before the courtroom and invited me into a small interrogation room. He then asked me what my intentions were, and after a quick run down of the possible options, I replied that I was here to plead not guilty.

Q&A - Traffic Ticket Not Signed by Officer, How to Proceed?

Q&A ImageI received a traffic ticket in July 2012.  I disputed the ticket.  After reading articles on this site I decided to write to the officer requesting disclosure to prepare for traffic court.  I pulled out the ticket and discovered that the officer did not sign the ticket.  I've read posts on this forum indicating that this renders the ticket invalid.

Q&A - Improperly Deemed Convicted

Q&A ImageHello. When I received the ticket I disputed immediately. The officer could not give me an answer to my question regarding  my drivers log book. I did what the letter said and replied as not guilty and the full reasons why. I was never sent a response and thought it was done. I should have followed up. I just seen it on my credit report and am wondering what I can do. I will  pay it if needed.

VIEWPOINT - No more traffic court?

SoapboxNew Bill 52, to amend traffic court, is this proposed change scaring the crap out of anyone else? It looks the BC Government is further eroding any illusion that drivers of this province have any rights at all.

A new tribunal for traffic ticket disputes? Will it be as one sided and biased and unfair as the ones set up for the new drinking and driving legislation? Or will it be worse?